The programs run by the Sanford Center for Aging are offered for free to the public with an focus on catering to the health and wellness of older adults with lower income. In my role working with this organization, I interviewed, photographed, and coordinated with directors to create marketing materials for the following programs:
Senior Outreach Services(SOS): a program that makes introductions between community volunteers and older adults who are looking for companionship.
Geriatric Specialty Care Center: offering “whole person” assessments and chronic care management services to community members.
Gerontology Academic Program (GAP): learning programs developed for undergraduates, post-graduates and community professionals interested in the field of aging.
Medication Therapy Management Program: a free service offered by in-house pharmacist to go over medications for seniors and make recommendations accordingly.
Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP): coordinates volunteer opportunities that benefit the lives and well-being of seniors in Washoe County, like the Volunteer Mobility Program, and Art Partners.
Wellness Programs: a series of evidence-based programs and classes offered free of charge to community members interested in promoting their health and preventing disease. Included Dementia-Friendly Nature Walks, Fit & Strong , Cancer Thriving and Surviving, Diabetes Prevention Program, and Tai Ji Quan.